I am writing this letter for Michael Buglewicz for Justice of the Peace

I have know the Buglewicz family for 54 years. Michael was only 4 years old and he and my son were in Indian Guides together.

Mike was a very enthusiastic, energetic and inquisitive young boy. The two boys completed all projects they were given and were good at them.

Michael went on to be a Boy Scout and went all the way to Eagle Scout showing leadership and dedication and following through on all projects required of an Eagle Scout.

Mike is a Wonderful husband, father and grandfather. He is always there for his family and anyone who needs help in any way.

He has guided his children to be outstanding citizens. His son is a decorated Marine and daughter works in the courts for CPS.

Above all, Mike is HONEST, FAIR and CONSCIENTIOUS. He will be on top of everything in his District and take care of al his



Carole Treese

I wholeheartedly endorse Mike Buglewicz for Judge of the Justice Court. I came to know Mike well through his work on the award-winning Pima County Domestic Violence Court project. He has the experience, insight and balance necessary to serve as a Judge, and I am certain that he would be an outstanding addition to the Justice Court Bench. Mike has my full confidence and support. Hon. Judge Jack Peyotn (Ret).

My family and I have known Michael for over 40 years. Michael has always been a caring person, he is a devoted husband, father, grandfather and a person I am proud to call friend. He is honest and always stands up for and protects the people in his community and life. His integrity and compassion is something that is needed in our judicial system. The people of the fourth precinct would do well to have them as their Justice Of The Peace.


Gloria Reide

My father was a pivotal figure in shaping me into the person I am today. From instilling in me a strong work ethic and sense of duty as a US Marine, to teaching me the importance of compassion and service by serving as President of a nonprofit organization/ Recovery Care Coordinator for the Marine Corps, his influence has been profound. As a combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient, my father's bravery and sacrifice for the citizens of Pina County has inspired me to follow in his footsteps and serve my country. His unwavering support and guidance also helped me earn my masters Degree in Military Leadership and navigate through the challenges of being a cancer survivor, showing me the importance of resilience and perseverance. Overall, my father's impact on my life has been immeasurable, shaping me into a dedicated and compassionate individual who is committed to making a difference in the world.

-Richard Michael Delarosa-Buglewicz

Gunnery Sergeant


President (Operation Stay Golden)

Because your board should represent the mission. Here is to my board member and Sheriff. https://gofund.me/ac43f523 I am deeply honored to express my heartfelt appreciation for Detective Michael Buglewicz of the Pima County Sheriff's Department. In 2011, he embarked on a journey with the specialized unit, the Domestic Violence Task Force, and has since played a pivotal role in its remarkable progress. Detective Buglewicz's unwavering professionalism and commitment have propelled the task force to become one of the most proactive and progressive in the entire country. As the Executive Director of Janice's Women's Center, I am profoundly grateful to have such an exceptional individual serving on our board. More than just a detective or board member, Mr. Buglewicz has exemplified genuine dedication to our mission at Janice's Women's Center and has shown sincere concern for me as a person. His weekly check-ins and the initiative he took in creating a GoFundMe campaign to support our efforts in building a safe haven for the center's beneficiaries truly highlight his active and heartfelt participation on our board. It has been an immense privilege to work alongside him in championing legislative endeavors as well. Detective Michael Buglewicz is a shining example of what it means to make a positive impact, and his contributions have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on our organization and our mission. Thank you, sir, for always being here for the organization, the mission, and me. Shante Saulsberry

Thank You,

Shante Saulsberry

Janice’s Women’s Center, Founder

Phoenix, AZ

Dear Det. Buglewicz,

First, I extend my gratitude for allowing me to accompany you and Det. Bingham on the check-ins with victims of domestic violence, which broadened my understanding of the application of the APRAIS instrument and the critical importance in significantly reducing incidences of domestic violence and preventing consequential homicides. The work of the Pima Country Sheriff´s Department is a crucial component of a wider system that engages the judicial system, treatment providers, and victim advocates to adequately address the drivers of domestic violence and mitigate the impact.

The information you provided will be valuable in the adaptation and implementation of the APRAIS model in El Salvador. Thank you for extending your availability to answer questions and provide insights.

I admire your leadership and commitment, and that of your colleagues in the Domestic Violence Task Force, to being part of the solution, complex as it is.

I wish you and the Task Force continued success,


Claudia V. Panto

Chief of Party

USAID LibrES: Por un El Salvador sin Violencia de Género

Cel: +503.7729.2123

Detective Buglewicz,

The Family Violence Center at ASU is currently directing a US State Department project known as LibrEs in the County of El Salvador. The programs mission is to focus in three programmatic areas: preventing gender-based violence (GBV), protecting victims and survivors and increasing accountability for perpetrators of GBV in El Salvador. This activity will focus geographically in three main urban hubs: San Salvador, San Miguel and Santa Ana. These areas account for the majority of irregular migration and insecurity in the country, including the highest level of femicide. The activity will benefit victims or potential victims of GBV, in targeted communities with high rates of violence and out-migration to the United States. Given The Pima County Sheriff’s Office cutting edge work with its innovative programs such as the compliance checks program, the probable cause alert program, and the implementation of the APRAIS form (Form 4C) to protect victims of domestic violence and the long-standing relationship between the FVC and PCSO I would like to request the departments assistance in hosting a visitor from El Salvado. During the week of April 9-12 Claudia Panto an American citizen who serves as Chief of Party for the LibrES project in El Salvador will be visiting Arizona. Her focus during the visit will be to observe and learn how our systems respond to domestic violence and take those best practices back to El Salvador for adoption in targeted geographic areas. As the PCSO is the only department operating a compliance check program we would like to have her meet with those detectives and observe some of their compliance checks in the field. We believe these observations would be incredible useful for her and highlight the outstanding work of PCSO in combating domestic violence in the community. Thank you for the support and consideration of this request.

Respectfully, Greg Giangobbe

Violence Center Law enforcement training

VOTE in the Democratic Primary: July 30th, 2024!
Early Ballots mailed out July 3rd!
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REMEMBER... This Election Will Be Decided in the Primary! If you wait to vote until November, you'll miss your chance to elect Mike Buglewicz as your next Justice of the Peace for Precinct 4!
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VOTE in the July 30th Primary!

Many local elections are decided in the primaries... THIS ONE INCLUDED!! If you're a Democrat or Independent voter, be sure to cast your vote for Michael Buglewicz for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 4 on July 30th, 2024!

Early ballots will be mailed out around July 3rd.
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